Post-Operative Care Instructions

Post-operative care instructions for oral surgeries, dental implants, and sinus lifts

General Dental Post-Operative Instructions

We are excited to be a part of your journey to better health and function of your teeth and mouth. Remember to be patient as things take time to heal. Always follow Dr. Funk's instructions regarding medications. If any adverse effects occur or if pain persists, contact our office.

Pain Management after Oral Surgery

If medications have been ordered for you, take them as directed.

  • Ibuprofen: Take 800mg every 6-8 hours as needed

  • Tylenol: Take 500mg every 6-8 hours as needed

    • Alternate taking ibuprofen/Tylenol. That way, you take something every 3-4 hours.

    • If you were given a prescription pain medication, you may substitute that pill for Acetaminophen (Tylenol) if the pain is still not managed by the above protocol.

    • DO NOT take Tylenol if you take the prescription pain medication the doctor prescribes. This medication already has Acetaminophen in it, and you could exceed the safe daily limit.

What can I eat after oral surgery?

  • Keep your diet soft. Avoid anything that will create a vacuum in your mouth, such as straws, smoking, and vigorous swishing.

Bleeding and Swelling

  • It is normal to bleed/swell after getting teeth pulled. We will send you home with some extra gauze to help with the bleeding.

  • The bleeding should stop when you get home. If it doesn’t, use the extra gauze and leave it in for about 30 more minutes.

  • It’s normal to swell after surgery. The swelling will go down in the next 2-3 days. Please call the office if the swelling remains 5-6 days after the surgery.

How to prevent dry sockets:

  • The best way to avoid dry sockets is to keep your mouth clean. This should be done by gently brushing your and following the doctor’s recommendations.
  • Taking medicine, keeping your diet soft, and maintaining a well-balanced diet will help prevent dry sockets.


If you have any questions about post-operative care, contact our office or call Dr. Funk on his cell phone.

Dental Implants Post-Operative Instructions

Care tips for a smooth recovery and optimal implant success

Pain Management

  • Begin with 600mg of Ibuprofen and 500-1000mg of Acetaminophen in an alternating schedule over 4-5 days.
  • Please Note: If your doctor has indicated that it is not safe for you to take either Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen, your pain management will need to be modified. Ensure you inform someone on your dental team if this is the case.
  • DO NOT take Tylenol if you take the prescription pain medication the doctor prescribes. This medication already has acetaminophen in it, and you could exceed the safe daily limit.

What to avoid after dental implants:

  • Spitting, the use of a straw, and smoking can dislodge the blood clot that is forming and will cause bleeding from the area. Also, smoking can increase the risk of implant failure.

Bleeding, Swelling, and Pain

  • Some minor bleeding, swelling, and pain are expected after dental implant surgery.
  • Keep gauze on the surgical area with firm biting pressure for at least 20 minutes. At that time, remove the gauze and replace it with another gauze sponge as provided. Repeat this as necessary.
  • Bright red blood rapidly pooling in the area is normal. If this occurs and does not decrease with pressure, please call the office immediately.
  • Apply ice immediately in the area where the surgery was done. Apply for 30 minutes, then off for 20-30 minutes. This should be done as much as possible for the first 48 hours to reduce swelling and pain.
  • If your surgery was in the front upper jaw, you can expect swelling and discomfort up into the nose and under the eyes. Bruising and discoloration are not unusual.

Oral Hygiene Tips

  • Do not brush the surgical site for 48 hours. When brushing, be gentle.
  • If you used a prescribed mouthwash before surgery, it should be continued starting 24 hours after your surgery. Place the mouthwash in the area of the surgery and let it sit for 30-60 seconds. Do not rinse with it until after the sutures have resorbed.

Bone Graft Material

If your surgeon placed bone graft material when the dental implant was placed, you might notice some gritty material in your mouth. This is nothing to worry about and should subside within a day or two.

Will implants be visible?

You will notice that you cannot see any implants in your mouth, as the gums cover the area. This is good. Do not stretch your lip daily to inspect the area, which can cause wound breakdown.

Temporary Flipper

If you have a temporary flipper to wear, do NOT place it until the numbness in the area is gone. When it is placed, it should not touch the gums in the area where the surgery is performed. If it does, this can cause ulceration of the wound edges and breakdown of the sutures.

Anesthesia Warning

When a local anesthetic is used, your lip, tongue, and cheek will be numb for several hours after the procedure. While they are numb, they will feel funny. During this period, you must be careful not to bite, chew, pinch, or scratch this area, which can lead to serious soft tissue trauma.


We are here for you. Most follow-up appointments are scheduled ten days after surgery. If something arises that you consider unusual, please do not hesitate to contact the us immediately.

Sinus Lift Post-Operative Instructions

Please follow the post-op instructions below for a healthy recovery post sinus-lift

Sinus exposures increase the risk of temporary sinus congestion, infection, or development of a communication between the maxillary sinus and the mouth (Oral-Antral Fistula).

Practicing “sinus precautions” is the best way to prevent complications. Please adhere to the listed guidelines for two weeks.

You will be prescribed the following medications after a sinus lift:

  1. Afrin Nasal Spray (decongestant): Take twice a day for 3 days
  2. Ocean Nasal Spray (decongestant): Use as often as required
  3. Sudafed (decongestant): Take twice daily for the first 7 days as needed
  4. Antibiotic: Use as directed

To ensure a safe recovery:

  • Avoid smoking tobacco or vaping
  • Do not use a straw
  • Do not forcefully blow your nose
  • Try not to sneeze. If you must sneeze, keep your mouth open.
  • Eat only soft foods for several days, always trying to chew on the opposite side of your mouth.
  • Do not rinse vigorously. Gentle salt water swishes may be used.
  • Avoid strenuous activities such as running, swimming, and lifting. Exercising yourself while putting pressure on the sinus can cause it to fail to heal.
  • Slight bleeding from the nose is fairly common for several days after surgery.
  • Please keep our office advised of any changes in your condition, especially if drainage or pain increases.

Don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Funk on his cell phone for after-hours concerns.

client talking with receptionist

Mint Dental Care

1415 N. Fillmore, Suite 701
Twin Falls, ID 83301
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Schedule Online


Monday - Thursday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Closed weekends.
Hours may vary.



Email Address

[email protected]